Children are exposed to letters, numbers, sounds, environmental print, and math and science concepts on a daily basis. Our goal is to provide a learning atmosphere for children to explore their natural world, express themselves, make choices and develop in an appropriate setting. Emphasis is given to hands-on explorations in the child’s natural environment. Staff act as facilitators to help children achieve optimal learning experiences. Daily schedules and lesson plans are posted in each room. Our goal is to promote growth in the following developmental domains:

Language: Communicating through listening, speaking, reading, writing, and other verbal and non-verbal modes 

Cognitive: Acquiring, storing and retrieving information. Developing concepts, symbolic thoughts and reasoning skills 

Social: Initiating and maintaining relationships, responding appropriately to others and interacting with others

Emotional: Identifying self, managing emotions, developing strengths and self-esteem 

Creative: Thinking, communicating or acting in ways that are new and original and developing imagination and inventiveness 

Physical: Developing large and small muscle control, sensory awareness and physical maturity 

Adaptive: Developing self-help skills, such as dressing self and caring for personal needs 

Curriculum Goals Are Met By: 

  1. Exposing students to stories, songs, poems, music, dramatic play, sequencing, rhyming, inventive writing, dictation and other language activities to enhance reading readiness.
  1. Practicing/mastering skills utilizing blocks, puzzles, graphs, games, and manipulatives to promote logic and higher thinking skills, as well as science experiences that will require children to use all of their senses to gain knowledge about the world in which they live. 
  1. Sharing, taking turns, learning to resolve conflicts, expressing feelings, and observing 8 role-models to allow opportunities for positive social interactions. Allowing for choices, encouraging appropriate self-expression, and providing opportunities for children to develop friendships with peers. 
  1. Exposing children to new activities, materials, ideas and experiences.
  1. Participating in active outside experiences such as climbing, riding, pushing/pulling and throwing equipment and movement activities to increase spatial awareness and large motor development.
  1. Restructuring raw materials such as paint, play dough, sand and water, and the availability of drawing/writing/cutting tools to promote creativity, self-expression and the development of fine motor skills, taking care of personal items, helping to clean-up, self feeding and taking care of personal hygiene needs to foster independence and responsibility.